
Successful online platforms are nothing new, and neither are the challenges of offering quality, reasonable prices, and reliability. We all agree that trust between provider and user is essential to ensure growth. So, let’s discuss some digital strategies for marketing your platform:

It’s imperative that you position your site as trustworthy and popular through SEO which has become a profession in itself. Still, an excellent place to start is creating categories and subcategories for ease of review.

1. Focus

Targeting a smaller segment of the market will allow thoughtful and thorough platform design to build upon when the time comes. Once your users view you as an expert in a niche, you can safely begin branching out.

2. Know you buyer

Here are some essential questions for analyzing your buyer persona:
– Do you know what your customers complain about? 
– How can you address their needs?
– Do you understand the demographics of your user?
– What motivates them?
– Have you considered an empathy map of your user experience?

3. Build rapport with current users

Once you realize that 80% of leads don’t end in sales, you’ll understand that it’s much cheaper nurturing what you have than finding and keeping new customers. It means managing your relationship with them by offering incentives and maintaining regular contact. Email marketing has always been successful and affordable.

4. Trust

If your values drive your actions, you will build a reputation of trust. Prioritize reliability, flexibility, speed, cost, affordability and use testimonials to create a trust relationship.

5. Tell a story

Consumers don’t want to feel that you’re selling them something. Inbound marketing achieves this brilliantly if you entertain, empower and educate users. Use a language that tells a story of the value you offer. Create content that is useful and helps them while sharing your company values.

6. Testimonials

The general desire is to go ‘viral’ and quickly reach millions can be tricky – it’s not easy to predict what will go viral, after all. However, always create easily-shared content that works on social media. Make it worthwhile for your customers to refer people through discounts, special promotions and save effort, time and money. It is a fact that people trust information from those they know well.

Social media is an excellent way to communicate and get feedback fast. Valuable content always attracts customers as people enjoy videos and pictures of what others have to say—the importance of maintaining and updating your social media regularly to establish your presence cannot be overstated.

8. Communicate value

If you want users to understand you – help them understand your company values by sharing relevant content and make it clear what drives your company. For example, provide information about how and why you started and what you offer. 

9. Community

Create a loyal community by keeping your content relevant and of high quality in support of your equally good services or products. Provide the latest news, events and inform them of new products or services. You could utilize BuzzSumo – an excellent analysis tool, as it helps you analyze how different topics perform. 

10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO decides your Google rankings, which is essential for users finding you online. Focus on detailed product descriptions and optimal content to rank higher.
